Pit Przygodda, “Gardine sing-sing”, 1992  (Film)

SILHOUETTE eins is an optical soundtrack synthesizer. 

Developer: Pit Przygodda | June 2019

In 1980, when I was 12 years old, my parents bought my first synthesizer, a KORG MS-20.
About 6 years later I took part in a course for stop-motion-movie by Alexandra Schatz in Hannover. She showed films by Norman Mc Laren. This was the first time I became aware of the optical soundtrack. Norman Mc Laren painted directly on the soundtrack with pens to create sound, and so did we, - the participants of the course.
In 1992, I was 24 years old and a student for experimental-film at the art-academy-hamburg (germany). In the stop-motion-class of professor Franz Winzentsen we (the students) started working on blank-film-material to get an idea of the relationsship between time while screening and length of the material.

As a music-addicted I drove my attention to the sound-track on the film-material (it was 35mm-material with optical sound!) So I glued curtains on the film material even on the optical-sound-track, because I knew that the periodical structures of the curtains would generate steady tones, not noise. So it was. The film is called "Gardine Sing Sing" ("curtain sing sing").
["Johannes Przygodda" = "Pit Przygodda"]

Pit Przygodda, “Gardine sing-sing”, 1992  (Film with audio)

I have been on several media festivals in Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands with "gardine sing sing", it was onArte-TV and it is part of the movie-compilation "Deutsche Experimentalfilme der 90er Jahre" by the Goethe-Institut. It is distributed by "Light-Cone", Paris, France.


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