SILHOUETTE eins /2022-02

- transforms live cam stream, jpg and mov files into audio and modulation waves
- real time
- flexibel camera hold to stream from the surrounding (dance, architecture, painting, daylight, wheather,...)
- lighttable for creating silhouettes
- 2 visual sources mixable and recordable for reload
- adjustable selection area
- trackpad to move area and for edit functions
- optical soundtrack oscillator
- users add their own content (pictures and movies)
- 5 modulation wave slots
- 7 modulation driver sources (LFOs, EGs, etc.)
- LFOs linked mathematical for polyrhythmic modulation
- 18 modulation adresses (video and audio)
- sequence unit
- 4 voices incl. individual volume control
- 4 Keyboard modes: poly, unisono, shift
- innovative plexiglass controller adresses 4 parameter pages
- stereo output linkable to area position
- video output for audiovisual performance
- external connections via midi:
 write and read parameters to and from DAW send Silhouette`s modulation wave via CC to external devices
  convert modulation waves to CV (3rd party interface needed)
- 37 fullsize keys
- standalone instrument
- monitor retractable
- size (popped up monitor): 81 x 39 x 32 cm
- size (retracted monitor): 81 x 51 x 14,5 cm
- weight: about 14 kg

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